Prize one book of your choice at Cambridge Univ. Press stand
P : 6
R : 7
L : 7
Nb theories : 3000 - Nb theorie per player : 1000 - Nb players : NO LIMIT - Theories quality distribution : LOI_UNIFORME - Distribution min. : 0.85 - Distribution max. : 0.99 - Game ending : TEMPS - Duration : 28800s - True theories : 5% - Score special = 1
Statistics over the whole game period :
Collective Score : 43%
average nb of successful experiments before publication = 48
average nb of successful experiment before giving up rebuttal = 117
nb publication process initiated / (nb rebuttal process initiated + nb publication process initiated) = .78
In this game, we have added a new feature to better reflect refutation payoffs and give a better chance to people entering the game after it start : the refutation payoff depends on the difference between the scores of the two players : a player win more at refuting a player ranked higher than her than a player ranked lower than her ; a player refutating a player of the same level get the scores as indicated by the colored bars. This has the effect to give higher impact to refutation and make people play more strategically.
History of the play
If we were to built a narrative from this play, we could say something like this :
"This game with 19 participants has a very high incentive for publication compared to previous games. This incentive was not high enough to prevent the appearance of cycles of publication/refutation ; but stopping times where rather low both for refutation and publication which lead to an unstability on the average quality of the set o published theories.
The stategy of players have been quite heterogenous with some publication rushes quickly contained by refutations. The competition was very hard, especially in the last hour. Those who has carefully explored the set of theories accumulating counter examples during the game had enjoyed the benefits of this during the last rush, falsifying imprudent rushers.
Which were the true theories of that world ?
interactive evolutionary computation of control systems
graph clustering of evolutionary systems
disordered systems of anti-predator behaviour
gene regulation of language change
miniaturization of multiscale systems
chaotic dynamics of entropy
evolutionary developmental biology of emerging technologies
innovation systems of linguistic complexity
adaptive management of genetic regulatory networks
critical infrastructure protection of ethics of complexity
built environment of landscape ecology
mechanisms of drug action of long-range correlations
negotiation of discrete dynamical system
information retrieval of energy modelling
coexistence of fmri
innovation systems of mass condensation
antimicrobial peptide of cyber-physical systems
biocomputing of escience
chaotic dynamics of complex systems research
computer vision of biological ecology
fungal infection of genetic diversity
computational proteomics of multilevel
eye movements of control of spatial processes
atrophy of disordered systems
network robustness of interactome
innovation systems of hybrid simulation
design chain of disease dynamics
food production systems of complex systems modelling
market efficiency of goal-directed action
internet communities of empirical aesthetics
interactome of critical transitions
bioorganic chemistry of cellularautomata
chemical reaction of collective animal behavior
industrial processes of general systems theory
computational chemistry of leishmaniasis
combinatorial algorithm of innovation systems
epidemiology of biomechanics
ecology and medicine of genetic epistemology
biocomplexity of cell division cycle
epigenetics of distributed algorithm
low-dimensional chaos of internet of things
hydrodynamics of evolutionary dynamics
multi-level systems of information geometry
natural computation of comparative psychology
agricultural practices of nanostructures
biofuels of agroforestry
medical informatics of neural dynamics
kuramoto oscillators of bioreactor
climate change of multi-agent model
biotic interaction networks of integrative biology
information networks of metrology
biofuels of general morphology
bayesian statistics of declarative language
macroeconomy of agent-based modeling and simulation
network geometry of art history
distributed algorithm of degeneracy
livestock disease of high-throughput screen
many body problems of multifractal
disability of immunity
contact process of butterfly effect
knowledge based systems of energy markets
chondrocyte of neolithic
combinatorics of collaborative design
big history of mobility systems
evo-devo of co2 separation
dissipative solitons of automatic control
it networks of life cycle assessment
information and communication technologi of controversy
hiv of cancer
global financial crises of bibliometrics
dna repair of many body problems
dynamic combinatorial chemistry of multirobot teams
community structure of decision theory
agricultural systems of community detection
low-dimensional chaos of knowledge production
human-machine collaboration of aging
genome organization of medical technology
functional neuroimaging of integrative genomics
behavioural economics of morphogenesis
hepatic encephalopathy of computational neuroscience
interactome of complexity measures
computer vision of coupled map lattice
medical professionalism of excitable systems
hamiltonian chaos of failures
data-driven simulation of motor control
dynamics of networks of ising model
failures of cognitive neuroscience
frontal function of consensus formation
knowledge communities of mathematical modeling in biology
animal social networks of entropy
complex networks of medical imaging
foams of leverage points
management of complex systems of health informatics
ad hoc networks of mobility systems
imitation of arthritis
mathematical structures of conflict management
boolean network of multiscale
global dynamics of food-webs
artificial intelligence of ethology
bio-inspired robotics of complex systems modelling
network development of model reduction
informal economy of carbon cycle
crime prevention of fokker-planck
evolution of language of climate networks
box counting of exploratory agent-based modeling
genetic networks of geovisualisation
global cascades of mobility systems
biological modelling of micrometeorology
evolutionary optimization of contact lines
capillary flows of behavioural economics
economic coordination of mesoamerica
emerging diseases of communication networks
autonomic computing of evolutionary robotics
linear normal modes of megacities
bioinformatics of living being
climate change analysis of energy networks
democratic leadership of c elegans
hypernetworks of microeconomics
network analysis of environmental microbiology
knowledge production of glass transition
meta-modelling of innovation processes
finite systems of epilepsy
habitat fragmentation of complex systems research
declarative language of empirical aesthetics
macroeconomics of mosquitoes
economic development of cybernetics
hypothesis testing of longitudinal analysis
animal behavior of ascidians
fractal organization of inference problems
individual-based ecology of morphological analysis
business management of bounded rationality
mechanisms of drug action of integrative biology
entropy of cognitive complexity
labour market of geophysics
multidisciplinary knowledge of graph management
clustering algorithms of computational network analysis
genetic epistemology of community development
erosion of computational fluid dynamics
biostructures of economic recovery
multimodal interaction of mathematical logic
complex systems dynamics of atmosphere
cognitive robotics of economic coordination
chondrocyte of dengue
decentralized algorithms of astronomy
binocular coordination of developmental psychology