Wednesday 24th Sept. 2014 Game of the Day Slow Science
Nobel of the Day
Laura Maria Alessandretti, ISI Foundation
Slow Science Winner
"for groundbreaking discoveries on artificial creatures of bifurcation theory."
Prize one book of your choice at Cambridge Univ. Press stand
P : 3
R : 7
L : 7
Nb theories : 3000 - Nb theorie per player : 1500 - Nb players : NO LIMIT - Theories quality distribution : LOI_UNIFORME - Distribution min. : 0.85 - Distribution max. : 0.99 - Game ending : TEMPS - Duration : 28800s - True theories : 5% - Score special = 1
Statistics over the whole game period :
Publication quality : 84%%
average nb of successful experiments before publication = 138
average nb of successful experiment before giving up rebuttal = 277
nb publication process initiated / (nb rebuttal process initiated + nb publication process initiated) = 0.85
History of the play
If we were to built a narrative from this play, we could say something like this :
"This game with 23 participants had a typical old style slow science dynamics. People worked hard at publication an focus on publications. But when they try to falsify others, they work even harder. The result is a very slow discovery process with an extremly high quality (and avg >0.995% of true results for theories)
Which were the true theories of that world ?
evolutionary game theory of cluster analysis
coworking of geophysics
finite systems of human brain functional networks
computational systems biology of domain specific language
forest complexity of constructive logic
leishmaniasis of domain specific language
brain network of energy efficiency
collaboration networks of complexity management
community policing of developmental robotics
e-learning of emission reduction
computational network analysis of molecular docking
eye movements of global brain
group dynamics of network evolution
artificial creatures of bifurcation theory
evolutionary systems of genetic circuits
financial risk of airline
condensed matter theory of design chain
memory of critical infrastructures
food-webs of e-government
macromolecular complexes of harmonic analysis
collective cognition of event detection
general morphology of economics of organization
information filtering of multi-scale modelling
developmental robotics of mathematical modelling
comparative genomics of cognitive science
ergodic theory of graph mining
matthew effect of cognitive modeling
embodied cognition of local connected fractal dimension
mobile agents of cross-border regions
econophysics of genetic programming
health informatics of inflammation
food quality of case-based reasoning
cloud computing of forest dynamics
longitudinal analysis of computational statistics
module detection of empirical aesthetics
hypergraphs of natural computation
generative models of informal economy
morphogenetic engineering of cybersecurity
coordination dynamics of biosemiotics
module detection of amphioxus
citation networks of financial mathematics
mobile agents of mobile ad hoc networks
mesoscale models of dissipative solitons
discrete dynamical system of bayesian inference
interactive data analysis of molecular motors
chaos theory of architectural design
ai of electromagnetism
emergent behavior of event detection
contact process of environmental control
bio inspired methods of evolutionary optimization
disordered magnetic systems of engineering emergence
artificial development of bioinformatics
drosophila of heart rate variability
ecological engineering of butterfly effect
cognitive neuroscience of natural computation
mathematical biology of complex networks
multi agent systems of epigenetic robotics
anti-predator behaviour of engineering emergence
inhomogeneous random graphs of lateral thinking
language change of collective awareness
innovation dynamics of biogeochemical cycles
molecular dynamic simulations of behaviour modelling
ergodic theory of information ecosystem
computational cell biology of asynchronism
community health of coastal ecosystems
comparative genomics of coexistence
biophysics of computational physiology
declarative language of iterated prisoner's dilemma
banks of communities of practice
distributed cognition of behaviour modelling
economics of human evolution
food technology of ecophysiology
medical sociology of affine geometry
harmonic balance of business complexity
molecular dynamic simulations of national security
neural systems of community health
crowd movement of medical professionalism
chemotaxis of cell tracking
genome design of hamiltonian
financial engineering of hydrodynamic instability
management of complex systems of hypertext
city planning of agent-based modeling
collective behavior of cognitive disorders
internet of things of individual based modelling
activity patterns of dynamical systems and applications
brain computer interface of global order
internet computing of complex systems in nature
morphodynamics of macro-evolution
clinical psychology of lumpability
income distribution of knowledge representation
habitat mapping of ecological engineering
ecological modelling of financial risk
evolution of mutation rates of astronomy
co2 separation of hamiltonian systems
coarse graining of autonomic computing
contact lines of dna evolution
entrepreneurship of income distribution
biochemistry of collective migration
guided self-organization of global change
neural dynamics of behavioural economics
game theory of computational social choice
collective motion of innate immunity
learning agents of market dynamics
business complexity of animal social networks
business strategy of multiscale theory
coordination dynamics of chromatin assembly
epigenetics of multiscale networks
fokker-planck of biological ecology
computational linguistics of hypothesis testing
collective decision-making of distributed systems
kinetics of civil war
economic patterns of biomathematics
networked systems of companion modeling
dependency resolution of microscopy imaging
disordered magnetic systems of cognitive system
biophysical modelling of multiplex
blackouts of multiobjective optimization
emergent behaviour of e-government
epidemiological surveillance of human- computer interaction
emerging diseases of bibliometrics
mathematical biology of design research
agent-based modeling of energy efficiency
fractal dimension of distributed intelligent systems
collective action of ecological informatics
art networks of lyapunov exponents
complex organizations of computational neuroscience